Frequently Ask Questions

Should you wish to apply to us, please do so for a specific vacancy found using our Job Search Engine. The relevant method of application will be outlined in the detailed job description. 

You will receive an acknowledgement of our receipt of your details within 48 hours. Over the following next two weeks you will then receive a further correspondence regarding the status of your application.

Our professional opportunities are for people with varying levels of competencies. This encompasses all levels of seniority.

We no longer accept speculative applications. If there are no vacancies that are currently of interest to you, we recommend that you register an account, log in and enable email notifications via the Search Agent Manager. When a position is posted in your preferred business area and location you will be notified.

We offer a range of jobs in many different Technical and Commercial fields.  Exact jobs available, therefore, vary from year to year and depend on the operations in each country.

We advise you to use the Job Search or our various alerts to stay updated on upcoming vacancies.

Unfortunately, due to the high volumes of applications we receive, we are unable to offer you individual feedback on your application at this stage of the recruitment process. We assess applications taking into account a number of qualities we have identified as being critical to high performance in Shell. A detailed explanation of these qualities can be found in the "What we look for" section of the website.